Thursday, March 6, 2008

A map of our religion.

I found this map and I can't stop looking at it. It is pretty freakin amazing how regions of the country are divided along religious preference. Look at the south. I mean you can't miss it. I found it interesting that the Methodist faith is kinda unique to my area and a few other green spatters on the map. I never realized that. I guess there have always been Methodist churches around so I thought they were all over the place. I mean who would have guess Oklahoma would be the most diverse state in respect to religion? The more you look at it, the more your like hmmmmmmm. Enjoy!


AuroraSkye said...

WOW that IS an amazing map. It would be fascinating to find one that included other religions other than Christian based ones. To see California as mainly Catholic sure doesn't seem to fit in terms of my memories of Los Angeles. :-) I have met a lot of Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Taoists, etc there.

Historical Wit said...

I have to agree with you there about Cali. I sure as heck know more hindus from cali than catholics. Hell I know way more jewish people from cali. But the color is of the dominate religion.

I got your blog in my favs now. I don't drop by like I used to. I got to have that fresh post to read. What a freakin addiction to have.

butterfly said...

whoa that's interesting. i guess seeing on paper really makes that "southern baptist" term stick out.

oh and the diverse state you are speaking of is actually kansas. oklahoma is directly above texas :)

butterfly said...

oklahoma comes with their own trailer hitch. sorry - had to throw that in there - one of my great okie friends loves to say that. hehehe

Historical Wit said...

Good catch. That was before coffee and tea this morning!

AuroraSkye said...

Hi there again -- You didn't have to put my blog in your faves, seriously, I admit that I don't always blog and when I do == it is not as interesting, humorous or as informative as so many blogs I read here. I am better at drawing, painting etc than I am with words --- I should try to post more of my art at my blog. :-)